南方财经全媒体记者郑玮 青岛报道
作为本届国际海洋合作与治理论坛的重要成果,《国际海洋合作与治理·青岛倡议书》(International Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance · Qingdao Initiative)在会议结束后正式通过。倡议书明确三大共识,并提出三大倡议。
We recognize that, with billions of people living in coastal areas in Asia, the sustainable development of the marine ecological environment and the sustainable use of marine resources are keys to elevating the living quality and standards of people in this region.
We recognize that, due to the connectivity of the oceans, the challenges faced by any country such as marine pollution, climate change, resource depletion are closely related to other countries in the region. Therefore, international cooperation on ocean governance is not only the trend, and also an inevitable choice for us.
We recognize that, in this context, promoting international ocean governance and blue economy cooperation at personal, institutional and cities level with the help of non-governmental forces such as think tanks and the media, will not only provide strong intellectual support and public service guarantees for economic development, social progress and sustainable coastal environment of Asian countries, but also has global significance in addressing the challenges such as anti-globalization and global change.
To this end, we propose the following initiatives to think tanks and academia engaged in marine policy research in Asia.
Firstly, we should work together to enhance the awareness and understanding of the Asian people on various non-traditional maritime security challenges, jointly conduct research cooperation, and promote the establishment and improvement of transnational and interdisciplinary cooperation mechanisms in alignment with the principles outlined in International Law and UNCLOS 1982 to cope with non-traditional maritime security challenges.
Secondly, we should make better use of think tanks to link enterprises, social capital and scientific research institutions, jointly promote cooperation and exchanges between marine-related enterprises in the region, further study and clarify the priorities of countries in developing the blue economy, making the blue industry greener and more intelligent.
Thirdly, we should enhance cooperation among Asian countries in the formulation of international organizations for the blue economy and establishment of maritime infrastructure, try to build a regional blue partnership, enhancing the voice and influence of Asian countries in global ocean governance, thus promoting the construction of a maritime community rooted in shared prosperity, environmental sustainability, and the attainment of the SDGs, ensuring a brighter future for all.